Nintendo Announces Switch 2 Hybrid Console For 2025, More Details In April

After countless leaks, Nintendo has finally shown us its follow-up to the beloved Switch.
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Nintendo Announces Switch 2 Hybrid Console For 2025, More Details In April
After countless leaks, Nintendo has finally shown us its follow-up to the beloved Switch.

Eight years ago, Nintendo started a gaming revolution by releasing a hybrid console that merged its portable and home console products into a single machine. The Switch sold like hotcakes in 2017. At long last, the company has announced its follow-up product and we finally know what's coming next: Switch 2.

Nintendo showed off its new console on Thursday morning in a brief trailer, giving a good look at the Swich 2's larger size โ€” especially the new joy-cons you see below. It has detachable controllers, a dock and support for physical game cartridges. None of that is surprising, and it is good to see these things take actual shape.

joy-con comparison

There's a glimpse at what looks like a new "Mario Kart" title, and that's no surprise because "Mario Kart 8" sold well over 70 million copies. A brand new kart racer will be a big system seller, should they both release together on day one, but that certainly won't be all Nintendo has ready for launch.

We won't learn more about what Nintendo has planned until they unveil more details on April 2, 2025. However, Nintendo do make clear that the Switch 2 will be backwards compatible with existing Switch games, so we can all breath a sigh a relief.

backwards compatibility

[Image: Nintendo]


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