How Do Americans Really Feel About Penis Size?

How Do Americans Really Feel About Penis Size?
Both gay and straight men have similar ideas about what the ideal penis looks like.
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Many factors play a role in good sex, but is size one of them? Online doctor ZipHealth wanted to know the truth about penis size preference in the US, so they surveyed 800 women, 100 gay men and 100 straight men on their ideal length and girth, as well as how much those measurements matter to them.

According to women, the ideal penis is 5.5 inches in length and 4.5 inches in girth. For both gay and straight men, however, the ideal length and girth is six inches and five inches, respectively.

Almost half of the women surveyed believe both length and girth matter equally, while a quarter prioritize girth, one in 10 prioritize length and one in six aren't fussed about either.

Both length and girth are equally important to 45 percent of gay men, while 25 percent say neither are important.

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Via ZipHealth Blog.

[Image credit: Neeqolah Creative Works]


  1. And for such who want to frame the sexual debate vis-a-vis goodsex (Orwellian Newspeak for sexual activity serving purely procreative ends) and sexcrime (Newspeak again, but for sex for its own sake), you have to wonder why they have to consider penis size, to begin with.

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