caught lacking

Almost All Americans Are Deficient In This One Vitamin

Almost All Americans Are Deficient In This One Vitamin
Data on the US's most common deficiencies reveals the nutrients you're probably not getting enough of.
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Using data from the Micronutrient Information Center at Oregon State University, Visual Capitalist charted the most common nutrient deficiencies in the US, based on the percentage of people aged 19 or older that aren't meeting the estimated average intake requirements.

A worrying 96 percent of Americans don't get enough Vitamin D, despite it helping with many functions in the body, including bone health and the immune system. The primary source of Vitamin D is sunlight, but it can also be obtained by eating mushrooms, egg yolks, fish and beef.

The country's second-most common nutrient deficiency is Vitamin A, with 51 percent of Americans getting less than the recommended amount through their diets. Vitamin A is naturally found in leafy greens and orange and yellow vegetables.

Half of people in the US are deficient in calcium, a nutrient that's essential for bone health, while 43 percent lack Vitamin C.

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most common nutrient deficiencies US

Via Voronoi.

[Image credit: Anna Shvets]


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