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Here's How Canada Would Rank As America's 51st State

From GDP to homicide rate, this is how Canada compares to the other US states.
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Here's How Canada Would Rank As America's 51st State
From GDP to homicide rate, this is how Canada compares to the other US states.

President-elect Donald Trump made headlines recently when he proposed making Canada part of the US. Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau has since asserted that there "isn't a snowball's chance in hell" of that happening — but if the Great White North did become the 51st American state, how would it compare to the others?

As of 2023, Canada ranked behind only California, Texas and New York for total GDP, with $2.1 trillion. Per-capita, however, Canada's GDP is just $54,000, placing it second-to-last overall.

The share of adults with college degrees is higher in Canada than in any state (58 percent), and its average life expectancy exceeds that of anywhere in the US (81.7 years).

Canada also has one of the lowest homicide rates, with just two murders for every 100,000 people.

Click image to enlarge

canada ranking vs US states

Via Visual Capitalist.

[Image credit: Social Soup Social Media]


  1. Just Some Guy 1 month ago

    The fact that we entertain every word that comes out of the orange fool's mouth is why he's still in our lives. We're so weak as a nation we can't put some anti-intellectual TV persona in the rearview mirror.

  2. Jeff Levy 1 month ago

    Sorry Vermont, but you're going to fall hard to #1 in Maple Syrup Heists. Canada FTW.

  3. John B 1 month ago

    Canada has free healthcare, it's automatically the #1 state. Go touch grass and stop validating fascists.

    1. Unknown 1 month ago

      Not saying it's perfect, but a huge advantage of Canadian style health care is that it costs less than half the cost to run. Some reasons? Few insurance companies are needed, hospitals and doctors spend far less timetime on billing and collecting, there is oversight on what doctors, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies can charge.

    2. Derek Jordan W 1 month ago

      Save your little clichés, John. You're the one that needs to "touch grass" or maybe LAY OFF the grass for a while and take a dose of reality. The Canadian health-care system is a s#!t-show that's in complete shambles and will eventually collapse. Secondly, there is no such thing as "free" health-care. We pay for it with our taxes, which is why we are taxed similarly to the US and yet have basically an almost nonexistent military defense. Couple that with the fact that migrants show up expecting us to foot the bill for their medical bills and it's no wonder you have to wait 8 hours in emergency to even get glanced at. Your wound is healing by the time they're ready to stitch you up. (and trust me, I know from experience)

      1. Eric S. Johansson 1 month ago

        Here in the States, it's variable. I've waited hours in emergency rooms for a concussion that may have had a brain bleed. I waited six months to see a neurologist.

        Seeing my primary care takes anywhere from the same day to a few weeks. If I miss any of my specialists, it's at least another month or two.

        I have read up a bit on Canadian healthcare, and it sounds like you have variable quality from province to province. One consistent thing is that every time conservatives try to inject private insurance companies into the Canadian healthcare environment, the quality of care gets worse.

        We are dealing with a similar problem with private equity gutting hospitals and then tossing them into bankruptcy courts.

      2. John Harris 1 month ago

        Yeah, waiting sucks... But you know what's worse? Waiting a week to get my hand x-rayed after badly breaking a finger. Getting the x-ray, and not getting anything but a "Wow, you've done a great job treating this yourself. $200 is what you owe today, please come back in two weeks for another x-ray."... Repeat that five times... No brace, no medications... Just. X-Rays. And $200 per "visit"... When I questioned why I needed to keep coming if all they did was say I did a great job, they threatened to report it to the insurance company that would then deny me further "coverage" if I went against the doctor's order.

        Canadian health care may not be "free" (I mean, seriously... who thinks it is? Other than neo-liberal chuds.), but it's a shit load better than a for-profit system where shareholders are prioritized over the well-being of the patient.

      3. Just Some Guy 1 month ago

        Found the guy who thinks he's woke because he realized everything is paid for by taxes. Oh no, you waited 8 hours in the emergency room in Canada? That's fast service for an American. I waited 6 months just to talk to a doctor for my current injury. Then he told me I was at the wrong place and I had to go elsewhere and charged me $420. However bad you think you've got it, you don't.

    3. cecilia FXX 1 month ago

      and there's NO way Canada is giving up their health care. I recall visiting even back in the 1980s and they were very nice but told me they would never want to be American and have our terrible health care. And it's only gotten worse here in the US.

  4. Bob Whitcombe 1 month ago

    The idea that all of Canada would amount to a single state with the representation of Vermont is so absurd, only Trump and MAGAts could envision it.

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